Broadway in Wichita
Want access to all 2024-2025 shows?
Become a Season Member or Renew Your Season Membership Today!
After the renewal period, all season members who have renewed for 24/25 season will be invited by email to upgrade seat location or performance time.
During your upgrade window, you will also be able to purchase additional season ticket packages.
Individual tickets are not currently available for the 2024-2025 season. Join our e-newsletter list to gain early access to individual tickets when they become available.
Staging the Future
Staging the Future is a program created by American Theatre Guild to provide the experience of live musical theatre for schools and organizations that support youth and underserved community members. The program is funded by Season Members and donors like you. The funds raised allow youth and underserved community members to witness the magic and excitement of touring Broadway shows and access to education opportunities. Staging the Future hopes to foster passion, inspire creativity and empower future generations. Together, we can make a contribution to the cultural vibrancy of our community.