2023 Midwest Catholic Family Conference
DateAug 4 - 6, 2023
Event Details
The Midwest Catholic Family Conference is an annual event that has exciting programs for Adults, Young Adults, High School, Middle School & Children.
The weekend provides an enticing mix of presentations by world-renown speakers for adults, young adults and religious. Special programs address the needs of Faith for students in high school and junior high school as well as children in the elementary grades. There are opportunities for daily Mass, Confession, Eucharistic Adoration and an impressive outdoor Eucharistic procession plus a selection of vendors offering Catholic gifts, books, music and more.
Where can I find the weekend's schedule?
The Midwest Catholic Family Conference Schedule can be found here.
Where can I register?
Online registration has closed, but particpants can register in-person at the conference.
Where can I find a vendor list?
A list of all vendors can be found here.
Where can I find more information about the youth programs offered during the conference?
More information about the Children's, Middle School, or High School progams can be found here.
Who are the speakers for this conference?
More information about the conference's speakers can be found here.